Nazli Turan - M.S. Student
Nazli Turan is an M.S. student at BUSTLab. She completed her B.Sc. in mechanical engineering at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul.
Her current research is on the investigation of the cathode placement effects on thruster operation.
Nazli has contributed to the following publications:
Journal Publications
Kurt, H.; Turan, N.; Kokal, U.; Celik, M. "Note: Coaxial-heater Hollow Cathode",
Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 88, No. 6, pg. 066103, 2017
Turan, N.; Kokal, U.; Kurt, H.; Celik, M. "Experimental Study of the Electrical Wiring Configuration for the
Vacuum Chamber Testing of the HK40 Hall Thruster", in preparation to be submitted to
European Physical Journal-D, 2017
Turan, N.; Kokal, U.; Kurt, H.; Celik, M. "Experimental Study of the Cathode Position on HK40 Hall Thruster Operation", in preparation
to be submitted to
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2017
Conference Proceedings
Kokal, U., Turan, N., Kurt, H. and Celik, M., “Development of the New BUSTLab Hall Thruster with
Internal Coaxial Hollow Cathode,"
53rd Joint Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, July 2017, also AIAA-2017-4810.
Kokal, U., Turan, N., Kurt, H. and Celik, M., “Design Improvements and Experimental
Measurements of BURFIT-80 RF Ion Thruster,"
53rd Joint Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, July 2017, also AIAA-2017-4891.
Kokal, U., Turan, N., Kurt, H. and Celik, M., "Thermal Analysis and Testing of Different Designs
of Lanthanum Hexaboride Hollow Cathodes,"
8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), 19-22 June 2017.
Turan, N., Kokal, U., Kurt, H. and Celik, M., “Experimental Study of the Effects of the Cathode
Position and the Electrical Circuit Configuration on the Operation of HK40 Hall
Thruster and BUSTLab Hollow Cathode,"
52nd Joint Propulsion Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, July 2016, also AIAA-2016-4834.
Turan, N., Kokal, U. and Celik, M., “Experimental Investigation of the Effects
of Cathode Current on HK40 Hall Thruster Operation,"
5th Space Propulsion Conference, Rome, Italy, May 2016, also SP2016_ 3125333.
Turan, N., Kamis, Y.E. and Celik, M., “Study of Magnetic Field Configuration Effects on Coupling between Hall Effect Thruster and Hollow Cathode,"
8th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankaram, Turkey, September 2015, also AIAC-2015-119.
Turan, N.; Korkmaz, O. and Celik, M., "Investigation of the Effect of
Hollow Cathode Neutralizer Location on Hall Effect Thruster Efficiency," 7th International Conference on
Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), vol., no., pp.511,516, 16-19 June 2015.
Turan, N., “Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Cathode Position on HK40
Hall Effect Thruster Performance and Cathode Coupling,"
M.S. Thesis, Bogazici University, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey, December 2016.