Bogazici University Space Technologies Laboratory - Department of Mechanical Engineering

Journal Publications
Yildiz, M.S.; Celik, M. "Numerical Investigation of the Electric Field Distribution and the Power Deposition in the Resonant Cavity of a Microwave Electrothermal Thruster", AIP Advances, Volume: 7, Issue: 4, 045021, April 2017

Yildiz, M.S.; Celik, M. "Global Energy Transfer Model of a Microwave Electrothermal Thruster Operating with Helium Propellant at 2.45 GHz Frequency", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume: 45, Issue: 8, pp. 2314-2322, August 2017

Kurt, H.; Turan, N.; Kokal, U.; Celik, M. "Note: Coaxial-heater Hollow Cathode", Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 88, No. 6, pg. 066103, 2017

Turan, N.; Kokal, U.; Kurt, H.; Celik, M. "Experimental Study of the Electrical Wiring Configuration for the Vacuum Chamber Testing of the HK40 Hall Thruster", in preparation to be submitted to European Physical Journal-D, 2017

Turan, N.; Kokal, U.; Kurt, H.; Celik, M. "Experimental Study of the Cathode Position on HK40 Hall Thruster Operation", in preparation to be submitted to IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2017

Jahanbakhsh, S.; Satir, M.; Celik, M., "Study of electron current extraction from a radio frequency plasma cathode designed as a neutralizer for ion source applications," Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume: 87, Issue: 2, p 02B922, February 2016

Turkoz, E.; Sik, F.; Celik, M., "Numerical Simulation of Particle Trajectories in Ion Thruster Grid Region Plasma using a PIC-DSMC Code," European Physical Journal-D, 2015: SUBMITTED - under review

Turkoz, E.; Celik, M., "AETHER: A simulation platform for inductively coupled plasma," Journal of Computational Physics, Volume: 286, pp. 87-102, April 2015.

Korkmaz, O.; Celik, M., "Global Model for the Assessment of the Effect of Geometry and Operation Conditions on Insert and Orifice Region Plasmas of a Thermionic Hollow Cathode Electron Source," Contributions to Plasma Physics, Volume: 54, Issue:10, pp. 838-850, November 2014.

Turkoz, E.; Celik, M., "2D electromagnetic and fluid models for inductively coupled plasma for RF ion thruster performance evaluation," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume: 42, Issue:1, pp. 235-240, January 2014.

Conference Proceedings
Kokal, U. and Celik, M., �Development of BUSTLab Thrust Stand for mili-Newton Level Thrust Measurements of Electric Propulsion Systems," 35th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 2017, also IEPC-2017-317.

Kokal, U., Turan, N., Kurt, H. and Celik, M., �Development of the New BUSTLab Hall Thruster with Internal Coaxial Hollow Cathode," 53rd Joint Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, July 2017, also AIAA-2017-4810.

Yildiz, M.S., Kokal, U. and Celik, M., �Preliminary Thrust Measurement Results of the BUSTLab Microwave Electrothermal Thruster," 53rd Joint Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, July 2017, also AIAA-2017-4725.

Kokal, U., Turan, N., Kurt, H. and Celik, M., �Design Improvements and Experimental Measurements of BURFIT-80 RF Ion Thruster," 53rd Joint Propulsion Conference, Atlanta, GA, July 2017, also AIAA-2017-4891.

Kokal U. and Celik, M., "Development of a mili-Newton Level Thrust Stand for Thrust Measurements of Electric Propulsion Systems," 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), 19-22 June 2017.

Kokal, U., Turan, N., Kurt, H. and Celik, M., "Thermal Analysis and Testing of Different Designs of Lanthanum Hexaboride Hollow Cathodes," 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), 19-22 June 2017.

Kokal, U. ve Celik, M., "Elektrik Itki Sistemleri i�in Mili-Newton Seviyesi Itki �l��m Sistemi Tasarimi, VI. Ulusal Havacilik ve Uzay Konferansi, Kocaeli Universitesi, Kocaeli, Turkiye, Eylul 2016, UHUK-2016-056.
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Turan, N., Kokal, U., Kurt, H. and Celik, M., �Experimental Study of the Effects of the Cathode Position and the Electrical Circuit Configuration on the Operation of HK40 Hall Thruster and BUSTLab Hollow Cathode," 52nd Joint Propulsion Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, July 2016, also AIAA-2016-4834.

Yildiz, M.S. and Celik, M., �Experimental Performance Analysis of the BUSTLab Microwave Electrothermal Thruster," 52nd Joint Propulsion Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, July 2016, also AIAA-2016-4949.

Turan, N., Kokal, U. and Celik, M., �Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Cathode Current on HK40 Hall Thruster Operation," 5th Space Propulsion Conference, Rome, Italy, May 2016, also SP2016_ 3125333.

Turan, N., Kamis, Y.E. and Celik, M., �Study of Magnetic Field Configuration Effects on Coupling between Hall Effect Thruster and Hollow Cathode," 8th Ankara International Aerospace Conference, Ankara, Turkey, September 2015, also AIAC-2015-119.

Jahanbakhsh, S.; Satir, M.; Celik, M., "Study of electron current extraction from a radio frequency plasma cathode designed as a neutralizer for ion source applications," 16th International Conference on Ion Sources, New York, NY, USA, August 2015

Yildiz, M.S. and Celik, M., �Evaluation of Plasma Properties in a Microwave Electrothermal Thruster Resonant Cavity Using Two Fluid Global Model," 51st Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 2015, also AIAA-2015-3926.

Kamis, Y.E. and Celik, M., �Study of the Discharge Chamber Magnetic Field Configuration Effects on the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Microwave Ion Thruster," 51st Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, FL, July 2015, also AIAA-2015-3826.

Turkoz, E.; Sik, F. and Celik, M., "Investigation of the Geometry Configuration Variations on the Performance of Ion Thruster Grids with PIC-DSMC Simulations," 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, 2015, also IEPC-2015-218

Yildiz, M.S. and Celik, M., "Global Energy Transfer Model of Microwave Induced Plasma in a Microwave Electrothermal Thruster Resonant Cavity," 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, 2015, also IEPC-2015-266

Jahanbakhsh, S. and Celik, M., "Experimental Study of the Effects of Different Design Parameters on the Plasma Characteristics and the Extracted Current of a Prototype Radio-Frequency Plasma Cathode," 34th International Electric Propulsion Conference, 2015, also IEPC-2015-108

Yildiz, M.S.; Unal, A.N.,: Ozkan, O.,; Koc, I. and Celik, M., "Electrothermal Propulsion System Selection for Communication Satellite NSSK Maneuver Using Multi Criteria Decision Making Method," 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), vol., no., pp.511,516, 16-19 June 2015.

Kamis, Y.E. and Celik, M., "Study of The Effects of The Magnetic Field Topology on The Design of a Prototype ECR Microwave Ion Thruster and Neutralizer," 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), vol., no., pp.511,516, 16-19 June 2015.

Jahanbakhsh, S. and Celik, M., "Experimental Investigation of Operational Parameters of A Prototype Radio Frequency Plasma Cathode," 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), vol., no., pp.511,516, 16-19 June 2015.

Korkmaz, O.; Jahanbakhsh, S.; Celik, M. and Kurt, H., "Space Propulsion Research Vacuum Facility of the Bogazici University Space Technologies Laboratory," 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), vol., no., pp.511,516, 16-19 June 2015.

Turan, N.; Korkmaz, O. and Celik, M., "Investigation of the Effect of Hollow Cathode Neutralizer Location on Hall Effect Thruster Efficiency," 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), vol., no., pp.511,516, 16-19 June 2015.

Satir, M.; Sik, F.; Turkoz, E. and Celik, M., "Design of the Retarding Potential Analyzer to be used with BURFIT-80 Ion Thruster and Validation using PIC-DSMC Code," 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), vol., no., pp.511,516, 16-19 June 2015.

Turkoz, E., Sik, F. and Celik, M., �Trajectory Studies through Numerical Simulation of Ion Thruster Grid Region Plasma with PIC-DSMC Approach in 3D," 5th Russian-German Conference on Electric Propulsion, Dresden, Germany, September 2014.

Korkmaz, O., Ozturk A. E. and Celik, M., "Elektrik Itki Sistemlerinde Elektron Kaynagi Olarak Kullanilmak Uzere Uretilen Oyuk Katodun Tasarim Sureci, V. Ulusal Havacilik ve Uzay Konferansi, Erciyes Universitesi, Kayseri, Turkiye, Eylul 2014, UHUK-2014-090.
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Korkmaz, O., Ozturk A. E. and Celik, M., "Design Process of the Hollow Cathode Manufactured for Use in Electric Propulsion Systems as Electron Source," 5th National Aeronautics and Astronautics Conference, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey, September 2014, UHUK-2014-090.
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Jahanbakhsh, S. and Celik, M., �Theoretical Investigation and Modeling of Current Extraction from a Radio-Frequency Cathode," 50th Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, July 2014, also AIAA-2014-3402.

Turkoz, E., Sik, F. and Celik, M., �A Study of Ion Thruster Optics through Particle Simulations and Evaluation of the Near Plume Plasma," 50th Joint Propulsion Conference, Cleveland, OH, July 2014, also AIAA-2014-3412.

Sezgin Y. C. and Celik, M., �Use of Municipality Water System for Building Cooling as an Alternative to Conventional Ground Source Heat Pump,� 13th International Conference on Clean Energy, Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2014

Engul, M. C. and Celik, M., �Energy, Exergy and Cost Analysis of Sea Water Source Heat Pumps for Space Heating and Cooling for a Hotel Located in Fo�a, Turkey,� 13th International Conference on Clean Energy, Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2014

Yildiz, M. S., Unaldi, N. and Celik, M., �Geometry Optimization of a 2.45 GHz Microwave Electrothermal Thruster Resonant Cavity,� Space Propulsion Conference, Cologne, Germany, May, 2014, SP2014 2980822

Ozturk, A. E., Korkmaz, O. and Celik, M., �Design and Analysis of Different Insert Region Heaters of a Lanthanum Hexaboride Hollow Cathode During Initial Heating,� Space Propulsion Conference, Cologne, Germany, May, 2014, SP2014 2980902

Turkoz, E. and Celik, M., �2D RF Ion Thruster Modeling with Fluid Plasma and Analytical Sheath Formulation,� Space Propulsion Conference, Cologne, Germany, May, 2014, SP2014 2980764

Korkmaz, O. and Celik, M., �Global Numerical Model For Orifce and Insert Region of a Lanthanum Hexaboride Thermionic Hollow Cathode,� Space Propulsion Conference, Cologne, Germany, May, 2014, SP2014 2979704

Turkoz, E.; Celik, M., "2D axisymmetric fluid and electromagnetic models for inductively coupled plasma (ICP) in RF ion thrusters," 33rd International Electric Propulsion Conference, 2013, also IEPC-2013-294

Turkoz, E.; Celik, M., "2D fluid model for axisymmetric RF ion thruster cylindrical discharge chamber," 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, July 2013, also AIAA-2013-4110

Turkoz, E.; Celik, M., "Optimization of radio-frequency ion thruster discharge chamber using an analytical model," 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), vol., no., pp.511,516, 12-14 June 2013

Yavuz, B.; Turkoz, E.; Celik, M., "Prototype design and manufacturing method of an 8 cm diameter RF ion thruster," 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), vol., no., pp.619,624, 12-14 June 2013

Ozturk, A.E.; Turkoz, E.; Ozgen, A.; Celik, M., "Design and thermal analysis of the insert region heater of a lanthanum hexaboride hollow cathode," 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST), vol., no., pp.607,612, 12-14 June 2013

Turkoz, E., �Numerical Model for Axisymmetric Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) in Radio-Frequency (RF) Ion Thrusters," M.S. Thesis, Bogazici University, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2014.

Korkmaz, O., �Global Numerical Model for the Evaluation of the Geometry and Operation Condition Effects on Hollow Cathode Insert and Orifice Region Plasmas," M.S. Thesis, Bogazici University, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey, February 2015.

Jahanbakhsh, S., �Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Inductively Coupled Plasma Cathode for Electric Propulsion Applications," M.S. Thesis, Bogazici University, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2015.

Turan, N., �Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Cathode Position on HK40 Hall Effect Thruster Performance and Cathode Coupling," M.S. Thesis, Bogazici University, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey, December 2016.

Yildiz, M.S., �Mikrodalga Elektrotermal Itki Sistemi Tasarimi, �retimi ve Performans Analizi," Ph.D. Thesis, HUTEN, Turkish Air Force Academy, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2016.
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